「アヴェ・マリアのヴァイオリン」が英語版 の”Do You Know the Ave Maria Violin? ” となり世界へ!

Do You Know The Ave Maria Violin?


この「Do You Know the Ave Maria Violin」の本が世界中で読まれる事を期待します。

アメリカ https://www.amazon.com/dp/0991478975
日本 https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/0991478975
イギリス https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0991478975
ドイツ https://www.amazon.de/dp/0991478975
フランス https://www.amazon.fr/dp/0991478975
スペイン https://www.amazon.es/dp/0991478975
イタリア https://www.amazon.it/dp/0991478975
カナダ https://www.amazon.ca/dp/0991478975
オーストラリア https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/0991478975

香川宜子(Yoshiko Kagawa)先生が語る「Do You Know the Ave Maria Violin?」の不思議な誕生秘話です。

This is a story based on historical facts. During World War I, there was a prisoner-of-war camp in western Japan called Bando. It was the only POW camp in the world where the captors and captives, as well as the residents in surrounding areas, developed friendships. A German POW named Klaus Berger, who belonged to the music troupe, discovered the significant role music plays in times of conflicts. A few decades later, the Nazi regime took advantage of music in the most horrific way, making it one of the saddest uses of music in the history of mankind. Klaus volunteers to go to Auschwitz in an attempt to save Hannah, a Jewish violinist placed in the camp orchestra. One violin has been through both wars to witness the joyous, and then the tragic, history where music was involved. Present day in Japan, the violin now belongs to Asuka, who knows only peaceful times. She learned the history of the violin, and despite of the tremendous sadness she felt, little by little she begins to think about what she wants to do with her future. The book was published in Japan and has been translated into Vietnamese. It is a masterpiece of the 21st century that has made impressions on readers both young and old. It was selected as one of the assigned books for the 2014 National Book Report Contest for high school students. It was also the 2016 winner of Sakura Medal in Japanese Middle School & High School Books division, voted by the students from international schools across Japan, as one of their favorite books.


数十年後、ナチス政権は最も恐ろしい方法で音楽を利用し、人類の歴史の中で最も悲しい音楽の使用法の 1 つになりました。クラウスは、収容所管弦楽団に配属されたユダヤ人のヴァイオリニスト、ハンナを救おうと志願してアウシュビッツに行きました。
1 つのヴァイオリンは、両方の戦争を経験し、音楽が関係する喜びと悲劇の歴史を目撃しました。


この本は日本で出版され、ベトナム語に翻訳されています。老若男女に印象深い21世紀の名作です。 2014年全国高等学校読書感想文の課題図書に選ばれました。また、2016年には、全国のインターナショナルスクールの生徒が選んだお気に入りの本の1つとして、日本の中学・高等学校の図書部門でさくらメダルを受賞しました。


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